Cocoa & Honey Lip Bliss

Cocoa & Honey Lip Bliss
4.8  |  9 REVIEWS

Featuring a rich blend of honey, cacao seed and vanilla, Cocoa & Honey Lip Bliss softens lips with a sweet chocolatey aroma. Natural emollients deeply hydrate, restoring moisture to parched lips, while antioxidants help protect against damage. Lips are left looking and feeling satiny smooth.

Key Ingredients:
Coconut and kukui nut oils are rich in essential fatty acids that nourish and moisturize lips. Cacao seed contains antioxidants that can protect against free radicals. Honey has antibacterial properties.

USD 7.50


Hervidha Fara Adhy | DI YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia
4 months ago
Lip bliss fave
Dari bbrp lip balm, varian ini yg terfavorit lebih melembabkan dan aromanya suka ❤️. Teksturnya balm namun lbh encer, stlh di oleh lgs melting di bibir.
Vika | Indonesia
10 months ago
Lip care
Wangi cocoa, ringan, paling paling penting beralih ke produk sensatia adalah Natural ingredients nya. Saya sebisa mungkin beralih ke produk-produk alami dan sesatia adalah produk lokal yg bagus. Saya sudah pakai 3 tahun untuk lip bliss ini, saat dipakai konsisten benar-benar buat bibir lembab dan pastinya tidak merasa bersalah dipakai terus berkepanjangan karena alami.
Ananta | Indonesia
2 years ago
Review Lip Bliss
Enak banget wanginya jadi berasa makan permen cokelat. Actually, pakai ini bibir jadi terlihat plum dan glowing
Anggi | Indonesia
2 years ago
All time favorite lip care
This is my all time favorite lip care. It’s long last moisturize lips and a great base before putting any matte lipstick. I also feel safe because it’s halal and natural. Really enjoy the chocolate-honey smell while my lips hydrated effectively at the same time.. A really must-have lip care product!
Richie | DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
2 years ago
Lovely Lip Balm - A Family Favorite
I first discovered this lip balm from the Lip Care Collector Set. This became a favorite alongside Vanilla & Mandarin. This also becomes my family's favorite to repurchase. The sweet aroma is amicable and I really love how this spreads on the lips. It moisturizes well without being way too rich. I hope there will be ones with SPF in the future!