Lavender Bud Essential Oil

Lavender Bud Essential Oil
  • Lavender Bud Essential Oil
  • Lavender Bud Essential Oil
  • Lavender Bud Essential Oil
Lavender Bud Essential Oil
4.8  |  5 REVIEWS

Pure Lavender Bud Essential Oil contains calming properties for both the body and mind. The soothing aroma of lavender helps reduce anxiety and promotes restful sleep while healing compounds can soothe irritated skin. Perfect for a relaxing bath before bed, this aromatic oil nurtures a sense of deep tranquility.

Key Ingredients:
For centuries, lavender has been highly sought after for its calmative effects and medicinal uses. Lavender is a natural stress reliever and is used to help reduce inflammation, prevent infections and promote healing.

USD 14.00


Joy | Indonesia
3 years ago
One of the best lavender EO on the market
If you love essential oil like I do that you’d know how hard it is to find a good quality Lavender Essential Oil, I can confidently say Sensatia’s Lavender EO is one of the best locally produced EO. It doesn’t feel oily or greasy, Smells amazing and most importantly packaged in the simplest yet elegant packaging.
Siti | West Java, Indonesia
3 years ago
Oil favorit
Kandungan lavender yang memiliki efek menenangkan memang cocok untuk mengurangi kecemasan atau setelah aktifitas seharian. Seringnya saya pakai di diffuser untuk menemani aktifitas sebelum tidur. Mampu mengurangi rasa capek dan membuat lelap tidur
Taufik | Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
3 years ago
Enak. Relaxing. Bikin kalem.
Lavender lovers? Wajib punya ini deh. Nyaman banget buat relaxing. Teksturnya cair. Pakai beberapa tetes aja buat di bathtub, atau sedikit di body lotion. Enak banget. Pikiran langsung kalem.
Kadek | Bali, Indonesia
3 years ago
My sleep much better
Minyak essential oil yg biasanya aku tetesin disekitar bantal tidur untuk membuat kualitas tidur lebih baik dan mencegah serangan nyamuk
Sarbini mochamad | Indonesia
3 years ago
Saya pakai untuk campuran mat spray, wanginya menenangkan saat saya beryoga
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