Lemonhead Lip Smack

Lemonhead Lip Smack
  • Lemonhead Lip Smack
  • Lemonhead Lip Smack
  • Lemonhead Lip Smack
Lemonhead Lip Smack
4.9  |  14 REVIEWS

Essential oils of lemon and lemon myrtle give this velvety lip balm a punchy, citrusy aroma that is sure to brighten any day. Pure coconut and kukui nut oils add a moisturizing base. Lips get an instant boost of hydration that absorbs quickly, leaving lips deeply nourished with a silky smooth finish.

Key Ingredients:
Coconut and kukui nut oils contain essential fatty acids that help soften lips. Lemon oil is high in antioxidants that can protect against environmental stressors. Lemon myrtle has antibacterial properties.

USD 7.50


Ari Rahmi | Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia
7 months ago
pelembab bibir
cocok dipakai sebelum menggunakan lipstik, ada efek cool mint
Cindy | Indonesia
1 years ago
Lip Balm
It's very moisture and really nice on our lips. Love how it smells and taste, not sticky and nice.
Nurul | Indonesia
2 years ago
Puas dengan produk ini
Bibir lebih lembab....wangi lemonnya enak banget....suka banget walaupun baru pake produk ini... Tapi masih sedikit berat....tak apalah yang penting bibir lebih lembab tanpa kering maupun pecah2
Antony | Indonesia
3 years ago
Dari semua rangkaian Sensatia, mungkin ini kurang cocok, aku alergi setelah memakai lip balm ini, termasuk varian lainnya. Namun, ini tidak menghentikanku membeli produk Sensatia yang lain. Terima kasih!
Kristina | DKI JAKARTA, Indonesia
3 years ago
Fresh hydrated lips!
I use it often just because I love the fresh citrus notes 💔 keeps your lips moisturized and kissable 😍 I got myself several balms to put in every bag I use because it does great work in colder weather. The applicator makes it more hygienic for use. Great option for a gift!
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