Tropical Wildflower Massage Oil

  • Tropical Wildflower Massage Oil
  • Tropical Wildflower Massage Oil
  • Tropical Wildflower Massage Oil
Tropical Wildflower Massage Oil
5  |  6 REVIEWS

The beautifully fragranced Tropical Wildflower Massage Oil contains extracts of exotic flora including lavender, jasmine and ylang ylang. Rich in antioxidants and hydrating oils, the non-greasy formula moisturizes and helps even out skin tone. Simply warm oil between the hands and apply to the skin for an utterly relaxing experience.

Key Ingredients:
Pure kukui nut oil moisturizes and promotes new cell growth. Jasmine is known for its antibacterial properties and uplifting aroma. Ylang ylang also has an appealing aroma and can help rejuvenate dull skin.

USD 17.50


Yui | Japan
2 years ago
Chris | Indonesia
2 years ago
Love it
Feel comfortable using it, and good smell.
Marcella | Indonesia
3 years ago
Yes! Aku beli lagi massage oil ini 😍 aku & suami suka banget pergi ke spa dan tempat pijat dari dulu.. tapi sejak ada oil ini & wanginya sangat sangat enak jadi agak mager pergi keluar tempat pijat apalagi lg di masa pandemi begini. Aku sebelumnya beli varian wangi lemongrass semuanya enak & calming ! Jadi bikin kangen spa di Bali!! Wkwkw the Best!
Marini | Indonesia
3 years ago
A very lovely natural floral massage oil
This is one of Sensatia Botanicals item that I have repurchased many times. The tropical wildflower scent is my favourite because of its lovely floral smell, its hydrating properties, and its natural ingredients. It has been my go to massage oil during and post pregnancy.
Johana | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
3 years ago
Very refreshing!
Ini massage oil yang baunya gak macam-macam malah justru sangat menenangkan. Teksturnya juga bukan oily yang bikin kulit gak nyaman, malah terasa hydrating. Selain dipakai pada bagian - bagian kulit tertentu, kadang-kadang saya pakai juga untuk massage kepala. Rasanya enak banget.