Herbal Blend Natural Toothpaste

Herbal Blend Natural Toothpaste
  • Herbal Blend Natural Toothpaste
  • Herbal Blend Natural Toothpaste
  • Herbal Blend Natural Toothpaste
Herbal Blend Natural Toothpaste
5  |  5 REVIEWS

Minty fresh and herbaceous, this fluoride-free toothpaste effectively cleans teeth and helps protect against cavities and gum disease. The formula contains alkalizing minerals to help ward off bacteria, kakadu plum extract to give gums a healthy boost of Vitamin C, and betel leaf oil to naturally refresh the breath.

Key Ingredients:
Calcium glycerophosphate helps neutralize acid and strengthen tooth enamel. Organic sea salt encourages an alkaline environment. Kakadu plum is high in Vitamin C. Betel leaf oil helps fight bacteria and oral pathogens.

USD 7.50


Faina | Indonesia
3 years ago
Herbal taste
Herbal taste
Ayu | Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
3 years ago
Segar dan bersih
Suka dan sudah coba semua variant pasta gigi dari sensatia, busa lebih sedikit dari pasta gigi biasa, namun tetap terasa segar dan bersih
Lisa Marcelia | Indonesia
3 years ago
Odol natural favorite
Nyobain varian ini larena penasaran, biasanya pakai varian lain. Sama-sama bikin gigi kerasa bersih tanpa bikin keset-keset. Aromanya juga enak, malah lebih strong jadi bau mulut juga hilang.
Helen | Indonesia
3 years ago
Best natural toothpaste
Best natural products that actually work
Antony | Indonesia
3 years ago
Unique Taste for Healthy Teeth
It was an anti mainstream toothpaste, the taste was like you are consuming herbal drink. I felt healthy by just brushing my teeth.
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