Relaxation Sea Salt Bath

Relaxation Sea Salt Bath
  • Relaxation Sea Salt Bath
  • Relaxation Sea Salt Bath
Relaxation Sea Salt Bath
5  |  2 REVIEWS

Soothing and stress relieving, this bath salt mildly cleanses with a refreshing citrus scent. The mixture of essential oils and skin-softening botanicals moisturize for a luxurious, silky feel, while organic sea salt encourages the removal of impurities. Pour a handful into warm water for a relaxing and restorative bath.

Key Ingredients:
Pure organic sea salt from Bali is harvested traditionally to preserve minerals that can naturally draw out toxins. Mandarin essential oil contains antibacterial properties and provides an uplifting aroma.

USD 16.00


Tresia | Indonesia
2 years ago
Truly relaxing
Wah, ini bener-bener bikin relax sih :) Pulang malem dan cape, setelah mandi pakai ini cepet tidur karena badan rasanya enak.
Putri | Indonesia
3 years ago
Harganya murah, isi banyak. Bikin kulit lembab loh gak nyangka, selain hilangin stress bikin kulit sehat juga, dijamin bobo nyenyak after using sea salt ini..
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