
  • Unscented Sensitive Facial Mask
  • Unscented Sensitive Facial Mask
  • Unscented Sensitive Facial Mask
4.8  |  6 レビュー



USD 13.00


Steven | DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
9 months ago
Very gentle
A very gentle mask - this got to be the most gentle among the other options. No uncomfortable tingling feeling that usually there when we have a mask on.
Kristina | DKI JAKARTA, Indonesia
3 years ago
Great for sensitive skin!
To get the best results, double cleanse first, apply the mask, use toner and a nourishing cream after. Doesn't dry out sensitive skin, that isn't typical of clay masks. When traveling, close the tube fully, otherwise may leak 😊 aluminum packaging is perfect for preserving the product however it's better to use it within 4 months.
Alfira | DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
3 years ago
recommended for acne-prone & sensitive skin
untuk skin type yang oily acne-prone dan sensitif, ini pas banget! biasanya kulit aku selalu memerah habis pake clay mask, tapi pakai yang ini justru bikin calming kulit
Helda | Indonesia
3 years ago
No Neko Neko Mask
No parfume and easy to use. Setelah pemakaian kulit menjadi cerah dan lebih calming.
Dini | Indonesia
3 years ago
non drying clay mask
Non-drying, smells nice. Easy to rinse, and comforting on my sensitive skin