Balancing Body Lotion

Balancing Body Lotion
5  |  2 ULASAN

Rasakan kesegaran pada tubuh dan pikiran dengan Balancing Body Lotion yang melembabkan serta membantu meratakan warna kulit. Diciptakan untuk kulit berminyak cenderung berjerawat, formulanya yang ringan mudah diserap dan menjaga pori-pori tetap bersih. Minyak tea tree dan ekstrak gotu kola menambahkan perawatan ekstra untuk kulit berjerawat.

Bahan Utama:
Minyak bunga matahari menutrisi dan non-comedogenic. Minyak tea tree dikenal dengan kegunaannya untuk merawat kulit berjerawat. Ekstrak gotu kola dapat membantu proses regenerasi kulit.

USD 30.00


Veronika | Indonesia
2 years ago
Not sticky and smells natural
I have dry skin and some bacne and decided to try this. Haven’t really seen any significant difference on the problematic parts but it moisturizes the skin well without any sticky texture. The smell is very Sensatia 🍃
Johana | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
2 years ago
My ultimate choice of body lotion
After trying almost all body lotion (travel size) variants of Sensatia, I finally landed my ultimate choice on this variant for big size purchase :) They are all fantastic, both the effect on skin and the smell, but I prefer this one for regular use for its tea tree oil and gotu kola extract that always do great to my acne-prone skin.