Cleopatra's Rose Facial C-Serum

Cleopatra's Rose Facial C-Serum
  • Cleopatra's Rose Facial C-Serum
  • Cleopatra's Rose Facial C-Serum
  • Cleopatra's Rose Facial C-Serum
Cleopatra's Rose Facial C-Serum
4.9  |  10 REVIEWS

Infused with the alluring aroma of rose petals, this luxurious facial moisturizer hydrates and helps even out skin tone. The combination of argan oil and kakadu plum extract provides skin with a powerful dose of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and Vitamin C to help reduce fine lines.

Key Ingredients:
Rose petal essential oil is said to have anti-aging properties. Argan oil is a natural moisturizer. USDA certified organic kakadu plum extract is one of the world’s richest sources of Vitamin C.

USD 19.00


Alexis | United States
2 years ago
Very hydrating and light, smells amazing
Love this cream. It’s super light yet moisturizing, great for year round. It smells just like roses, but not overwhelming at all.
Anindita | Indonesia
3 years ago
Face Moisturizer yang ringan dan segar
Saya suka kemasan pump nya karena lebih higienis. Mositurizer untuk hari hari panas dan cocok untuk kulit berminyak. Pelembab yang ringan dan segar.
Intan | Indonesia
3 years ago
Unique, Mild texture, Sweet Scented
The first time I try this product is because the name is unique and then it is becoming my other favorite serum from Sensatia Botanicals. It is a combination of Argan oil and Kakadu plum which help to prevent wrinkles. Moreover, the rose scented smells so good and sweet.
Natalia | Indonesia
3 years ago
Light and calming serum
I love all the c-serums. This one smells amazing, the rose is very calming. It absorbs easily into the skin and is perfect for layering on other products.
Rahma | Indonesia
3 years ago
Lebih Cerah dan Melembabkan
Aroma bunga mawarnya terasa banget, dan bikin muka lebih cerah dan melembabkan.
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