Tea Tree & Lemon Facial Toner

Tea Tree & Lemon Facial Toner
  • Tea Tree & Lemon Facial Toner
  • Tea Tree & Lemon Facial Toner
  • Tea Tree & Lemon Facial Toner
Tea Tree & Lemon Facial Toner
5  |  13 REVIEWS

Developed for oily to acne-prone skin, this alcohol-free toner helps control sebum production to promote a clear complexion without drying out the skin. The citrusy, herbaceous aroma comes from botanical extracts of lemon peel, tea tree and gotu kola, which are rich in skin-soothing antioxidants. Skin looks and feels calm, refreshed and balanced.

Key Ingredients:
Tea tree oil is antibacterial and known to help combat acne. Lemon peel oil contains antioxidants that help protect and purify skin. Gotu Kola can promote collagen production.

USD 16.00


Angel | Jawa timur, Indonesia
18 days ago
Refreshingly good
I like to use this with cotton pad before applying the face oil. My skin feels clean and fresh. Smells nice.
Hervidha Fara Adhy | DI YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia
9 months ago
Cocok bwt acne and oily skin
Krn muka lagi breakout belilah combo facial wash dan toner tea tree barengan pake Ama anak cowo yg lg masuk puber, tyt aman2 aja utk anak usia 12yo. Selalu suka Ama Aroma tea tree. Harus pake facial toner utk kulit lebih lembab, dan ga ada drama muka ketarik 🤭
Tassa Auli | Nusa tenggara barat, Indonesia
12 months ago
Is it reduce redness?
It’s so liquid so it’s easy to absorb to your skin, I don’t see it reduce the redness but i hope so
Patricia | Indonesia
3 years ago
The best toner for oily to acne prone skin
Toner terbaik untuk kulit acne prone & oily, tea tree & lemon selalu ampuh memberikan sensasi calm & fresh di wajah terutama saat jerawat lagi meradang. Toner ini juga memiliki daya serap yang tinggi dan mampu memberikan kelembapan yang cukup.
Intan | Indonesia
3 years ago
Love this product since day one
Tea tree and Lemon Tacial toner is one of my favorite toner from Sensatia Botanicals. It helps me to reduce my acne. It smells so good and calm my skin once applied. It has a liquid texture so it's easily absorbed. Really recommended for you who struggle with acne.
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