Seastem Marine Hydrating Toner

Seastem Marine Hydrating Toner
  • Seastem Marine Hydrating Toner
  • Seastem Marine Hydrating Toner
  • Seastem Marine Hydrating Toner
Seastem Marine Hydrating Toner
4.9  |  12 REVIEWS

Antioxidant-rich marine nutrients give this facial toner its intensely hydrating and anti-aging properties. The combination of giant sea kelp, centella asiatica and hyaluronate work together to moisturize thirsty skin and boost elasticity. When used twice a day, the toner can provide long-term protection against dryness and environmental pollutants.

Key Ingredients:
Giant sea kelp and cyanidium extracts help protect against external stressors and boost elastic fibers for highly supple skin. Centella asiatica or gotu kola helps boost collagen production. Sodium hyaluronate provides instant hydration that is long-lasting.

USD 32.00
USD 24.00
25% OFF


Dea | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
1 years ago
bikin wajah lembab dan moist banget!
Ananta | Indonesia
3 years ago
Good toner
I use this when I need double hydrating. It is really light and helps to make your skin soft and plump.
Ayu | Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
3 years ago
Kulit terasa lembab
Tekstur ringan seperti air dan membuat kulit terasa lembab
Verra | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
3 years ago
Seastem Marine Varian is My New Favs
Isinya banyak jadi awet gak gampang habis. Kemasan botol kaca, kulit wajah langsung lembab, aman tidak menimbulkan iritasi atau alergi.
Antony | Indonesia
3 years ago
Rangkaian Seastem Marine
Produk ini benar-benar luar biasa, saya membeli satu set lengkap rangkaian Seastem Marine, memakainya sudah dua bulan, dan orang-orang mengira saya masih anak kuliahan di usia saya yang sudah 30-an. Terima kasih, Sensatia!
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