Seastem Marine Eye Concentrate

Seastem Marine Eye Concentrate
  • Seastem Marine Eye Concentrate
  • Seastem Marine Eye Concentrate
  • Seastem Marine Eye Concentrate
Seastem Marine Eye Concentrate
4.8  |  15 REVIEWS

Lightweight and fresh with just a hint of cucumber, this intensely hydrating eye concentrate is packed with powerful marine nutrients that help tackle crow's feet and puffiness. Giant sea kelp extract is known for its regenerative properties and firming effect. When combined with red algae and acacia, the formula helps to even skin tone and strengthen skin against environmental pollutants.

Key Ingredients:
Giant sea kelp extract helps counter the negative effects of pollution and encourages cell regeneration for tighter skin. Red algae extract has a soothing effect on irritated skin and can help lighten dark circles. Acacia extract moisturizes and helps boost collagen production.

USD 32.00
USD 24.00
25% OFF


Martinus Raharjo | East Java, Indonesia
10 days ago
Worth every penny.....
Tekstur creamy putih kehijauan. Setelah pemakaian selama beberapa minggu, kulit sekitar mata serta kelopak mata atas dan bawah jadi lebih terhidrasi, kenyal dan terasa lebih berisi. Dengan ukuran sebanyak 20 ml ini, sepertinya krim ini bisa bertahan sampai setahun pemakaian, sekalipun dipakai setiap malam oleh saya dan istri.
Nur | Indonesia
4 months ago
Perawatan untuk area sekitar mata, tekstur creamy dan warna putih
Ara | Seoul, South Korea
6 months ago
Johana | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
9 months ago
Teksturnya oke, nyaman di kulit (as always yaah). Kantung mata saya so far aman2 saja. Ini pakainya juga lamaaa banget gak habis2.
Nadia | Jawa Timur, Indonesia
1 years ago
Teksturnya cukup berat, tp sangat melembabkan area mata.
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