Cinna-Mint Natural Toothpaste

Cinna-Mint Natural Toothpaste
  • Cinna-Mint Natural Toothpaste
  • Cinna-Mint Natural Toothpaste
  • Cinna-Mint Natural Toothpaste
Cinna-Mint Natural Toothpaste
4.8  |  14 REVIEWS

Enhanced with cinnamon, peppermint leaf and tea tree leaf oil, Cinna-mint Natural Toothpaste effectively cleans teeth and promotes healthy gums. Calcium glycerophosphate provides a mineral-rich base that encourages stronger, cavity-free teeth, while cinnamon oil helps fight bacteria and acts as a mild numbing agent for sensitive teeth.

Key Ingredients:
Calcium glycerophosphate helps neutralize acid and strengthen tooth enamel. Cinnamon is a natural antimicrobial and acts as a mild pain reliever. Tea tree oil is known to have antibacterial properties.

USD 7.50


Sani Talitha | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
3 months ago
I have no regrets in purchasing my great fluoride-free and halal-certified toothpaste
This product has a little thick texture and contains herbal ingredients, making it safe for teeth and long-term health. It has a minty flavor, is fresh, and contains no foam. Even when used little, it feels clean on the teeth. Aside from that, the administrative service is excellent. Definitely worth the money
Nadea | Indonesia
1 years ago
Gak cuma teksturenya yang enak tapi khasiat pemakaiaannya yahud! gak perlu pake banyak, sudah bisa membantu membersihkan kotoran di gigi. Saya lebih suka yang charcoal dibanding ini
Nadea | Indonesia
1 years ago
Gak cuma teksturenya yang enak tapi khasiat pemakaiaannya yahud! gak perlu pake banyak, sudah bisa membantu membersihkan kotoran di gigi. Saya lebih suka yang charcoal dibanding ini
Anindita | Indonesia
2 years ago
Natural Toothpaste for Overall Health
Natural Toothpaste dari Sensatia menggunakan pilihan essential oil yang bersifat anti bakteri alami. Varian cinna-mint buat saya yang paling segar. Awalnya ganti ke natural toothpaste saat hamil. Setelah dipikir lagi, bayangkan.. seumur hidup setiap hari kita menelan residu pasta gigi. So, no more pasta gigi dengan kandungan kimia.
Paoela | Riau, Indonesia
2 years ago
Paling suka
Saya paling suka varian ini. Rasanya enak, warna agak kecoklatan, busa tidak terlalu banyak. Setelah pemakaian, rasanya mulut bersih gitu dan wanginya enak
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