Nurturing Shampoo

Nurturing Shampoo
4.8  |  5 REVIEWS

Lather up to the delightful citrusy-floral scent of lemon and rose with Nurturing Shampoo. This lightweight formula contains a concentrated blend of botanical extracts that work together to remove pollutants, soothe the scalp and combat dandruff. Hair is left looking and feeling soft, shiny and full of body.

Key Ingredients:
Marshmallow root extract is a naturally hydrating and an excellent detangler. Burdock root stimulates blood circulation, which can promote hair growth. Lemon oil is antimicrobial and may prevent dandruff.

USD 32.00


Dea | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
1 years ago
The best!
Pertama kali coba ini dan emang beda antara shampoo yang alami dan engga ya. Kalau di rambut emang perlu tambahan conditioner lagi supaya lembut
Ananta | Indonesia
3 years ago
A Good Natural Shampoo
Shampoo natural yang bagus banget buat rambut dan kulit kepala sensitif. Karena dibuat dari bahan alami jadi gak bikin rambut kering
Verra | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
3 years ago
Semoga Shampoo Sensatia Semakin Banyak Variannya
Sudah coba semua varian shampoo keluaran Sensatia Botanicals, ada yang cocok ada yang kurang cocok. Nurturing Shampoo ini wanginya enak, suka, tapi sayang kurang cocok.
Agnes | Indonesia
3 years ago
Membersihkan Rambut
Setelah mencoba Hair Oil, mencoba shampoo ini agar hasil lebih maksimal. Shampoo tidak bewarna & tidak terlalu berbusa. Rambut terasa bersih & keset setelah pemakaian. Baru mencoba beberapa hari tapi semoga bisa cocok & semakin menumbuhkan banyak rambut.
Rizal | Indonesia
3 years ago
Quite Nurturing with Calming Scent
I purchased the largest one for like 6 months ago and it's still a quarter bottle left! I use it once/2 days or once a day if my hair gets so dirty. Looove the scent and it's quite nurturing though for my damaged hair
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