Calming Shampoo

Calming Shampoo
Calming Shampoo
4.8  |  6 REVIEWS

Ideal for those with sensitive scalp or damaged hair, Calming Shampoo offers a soothing blend of natural ingredients that are known for their healing properties. The vitamin-rich formula gently cleanses hair and hydrates the scalp without weighing hair down. For best results, use with Calming Conditioner.

Key Ingredients:
Chamomile oil soothes sensitive skin and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Lavender oil also has a calming effect and may prevent hair loss. Horsetail extract promotes healthy hair growth.

USD 32.00


Verra | Jawa Barat, Indonesia
2 years ago
My Husband Essential Shampoo
Sudah coba semua varian shampoo keluaran Sensatia Botanicals, ada yang cocok ada yang kurang cocok. Calming Shampoo ini di saya kurang cocok bikin rambut rontok, tapi di suami saya cocok banget jadinya beli ini terus buat stok di kamar mandi.
Lisa Marcelia | Indonesia
2 years ago
Sampo terbaik untuk rambut dicat
Beli sampo ini buat orang tuaku yang rambutnya udah dicat setiap bulannya. Rambut mereka jadi terlihat sehat berkilau, lembab dan nggak ada rambut bercabang.
Faina | Indonesia
2 years ago
My favourite shampoo
Perfect smell, nature ingredients, no sulphates.
Melvania | Indonesia
2 years ago
use with the conditioner
shampoo without bubble and little bit hard at first, but i feel my scalp clean, after use the conditioner, everything is fine. smell super nice
Agnes | Indonesia
2 years ago
Best shampoo ever
Gonta ganti shampo gak cocok rambut tetep rontok, coba calming ini, gak mau ganti shampo lain lagi, ini best ya, bener2 mengurangi kerontokan, dan aduh aromanya jg enak, suka banget produk organik yg ternyata betul2 bagus
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