Calming Body Wash

Calming Body Wash
  • Calming Body Wash
  • Calming Body Wash
Calming Body Wash
4.8  |  13 REVIEWS

Subtly scented with just a hint of jasmine and chamomile, this gentle body wash is deeply soothing. Pure plant extracts provide the skin with antioxidants to calm the skin and help protect against free radical damage. Designed with sensitive skin in mind, the formula leaves skin refreshed, cleansed, and comfortably hydrated.

Key Ingredients:
Calendula extract is a natural moisturizer that may protect against premature aging. Lavender is incredibly soothing for sensitive and irritated skin. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties and a calming aroma.

USD 30.00


Hervidha Fara Adhy | DI YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia
1 years ago
Cocok utk kulit sensitif dan mature
Berawal dari pencarian sabun non SLS, jatuh pilihan ke SB varian calming. PertamaX lgs love sama wanginya yg menenangkan, tekstur nya cair meski busa tidak banyak namun 1-2 pump cukup utk seluruh tubuh jadi cukup hemat. Stlh pemakaian tdk ada rasa gatal atau kering Krn cukup melembabkan kulit.
Selah | Seogwipo, South Korea
1 years ago
i like texture soft, and smells good :)
Anindita | Indonesia
3 years ago
The Humblest Body Wash
Sensatia tidak pernah claim body wash nya untuk eczema dan psoriasis, in fact it works! The only local brand body wash that helps my psoriasis skin. Varian calming dengan aroma paling netral cocok untuk satu keluarga. Anakku yang berumur 5 tahun pun pakai untuk menjaga skin barrier yang sehat sejak dini. Also great for feminine area.
Richie | DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
3 years ago
Best Body Wash - An Ultimate Favorite
Been through many bottles for a few years now—an ultimate favorite! It lathers and washes out really nicely; leaving the skin clean, refreshed and comfortable without being drying. Love its beautiful calming; delicate scent. It also helps to calm down redness or inflammation. A staple that I always keep on loving and replenishing. Much love!
Ayu | Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
3 years ago
Cocok dipakai seluruh anggota keluarga
Aroma melati dan chamomile yg segar, cocok dipakai seluruh anggota keluarga termasuk anak2 dan suami
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